My Hero. MSSgt Carlton Bowden.

I thank you for the offer but my mom said she had nothing on her brother master sgt{she thinks} CARLTON BOWDEN her other brother was in Korea only for year as he was ordered home after their father died Carlton Bowden was in air force for 29 years. My mom said Carlton could not fly as he was colored blind. He died years ago Tom Bowden is still alive but his health is going down with his age. I was very and will always be very proud of my uncles. I remember when i was young[Im 54 now] i remember seeing carlton in uniform Since his death and wife died his 2 sons moved away I still would like because it was in my time a mia or died in vietnam, a name of a foot soldier who i am so proud of some of my friends. Lest we never forget

Kelly M Gid