My two HeroBracelets.
I wear 2 bracelets. One is an MIA from the VN war. This is the 3rd
bracelet I have had bearing his name, which I have worn since 1975. You
can imagine that 35 years is pretty hard on just 1 bracelet. The second
bracelet is a young Spc from Sherman, Texas. There were no casualities
from my hometown, Denison, but one from the neighboring town. It is, and
has always been, an honor to wear the bracelet(s), and explain to those who
do not know what KIA, MIA,and POW mean.
Helping someone to understand (even to a small degree) exactly what
sacrifice means is one of the best ways I can think of, to honor those
brave soldiers and sailors who gave so much, and continue to do so. Please
share with Fox why I wear the bracelets, and will, until the MIA's status
is fully known.
Butch Burgin
Duncanville, Te