Hero Stories for HeroStories

Origin of original POW bracelets.

I wanted to share the original of the original POW Bracelets and found this article. -------------- The Origin of the POW-MIA Bracelets Anyone who has been around the MIA issue for a few minutes is aware of the POW-MIA bracelets. The bracelets come in various finishes -- I have seen aluminum bracelets as well as bracelets of gold, silver, stainless steel, colored aluminum, copper, and brass. On each bracelet is engraved, at a minimum, the name, rank, service, loss date, and country of loss ...


Memorial bracelets.

Dear HeroBracelets, We ordered your memorial bracelets in the name of a boy that grew up the street from us. We had know Johnathan since he was little and always thought the world of him. He grew into a wonderful young man and joined the Army two years ago. We lost him in Iraq and we felt like we lost a member of our own family. We all ordered memorial bracelets from your website and wear them daily. It truly is a wonderful way to remember him. And people ask us about the memorial bracelets a...


Support organizations for Armed Forces.

Great list of support organizations. The Department of Defense discourages the publishing of lists of the names of troops stationed overseas and has terminated the "Any Soldier" form of mailings. This is why we are unable to offer random names on deployed HeroBracelets. There are, however, two resources in this list that can help you with that if you are interested. Unless you know of someone overseas or know of someone who has a loved one overseas, it is difficult to know how you can help. ...

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