Hero Stories for custom memorial bracelet

HeroBracelets program pays tribute to the fallen

Mary Wildes put on a HeroBracelet before her son, 18-year-old Pfc. Matthew Wildes, deployed to Iraq last May, but for some reason Mary could not take the bracelet off. Wildes said she was going to take the bracelet off when Matthew returned from Iraq, but Wildes never got that chance. Wildes saw her son when he took his leave in August, only 23 days before a roadside bomb killed Matthew in Iraq. HeroBracelets offers Gold Star families a way to remember, and Wildes recently received her bracel...


Sarah Palin wearing her Deployed HeroBracelet

[caption id="attachment_3259" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Sarah Palin wearing her Deployed HeroBracelet at a recent event."][/caption] In some recent photo's of Sarah Palin, we noticed she's wearing her Deployed HeroBracelet bearing her son's name, Track Paliin. Track is serving in the Middle East right now. Back in 2008, we had heard that both Sarah Palin's son and now Vice President Joseph Biden's son were heading off on deployements, so we made them both a set of Deployed HeroB...


HeroBracelets to expand fund raising.

We've VERY proud to be able to expand out fund raising process. Currently, we send $2.00 from each HeroBracelet sold to the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund or $2.00 to the Military Order of the Purple Heart on Purple Heart HeroBracelet orders. We have just been in contact with BlueStarFam.org (Blue Star Families) and GoldStarMoms.com (American Gold Star Mothers). Very soon, you will be able to select which organization you would like the donation made to when you ord


OEF Bracelets

Thank you for the OEF Bracelets (HeroBracelets). They are very high quality and we're very pleased. I had searched all over the internet looking for OEF Bracelets and found many companies offering them. I'm glad I got the original HeroBracelet. Thank you. LT Brixton Miami


New KIA Bracelets for our class.

I teach a high school American history class and ordered your KIA bracelets (you call them HeroBracelets) for my class. We studied the war, what led up to it and those who fought it. I wanted my students to have the KIA bracelets and to learn about the men and women who's names are there. I think it's been a great lesson for them. Thank you for providing such a valuable service. And I'm quite impressed with the quality of these memorial bracelets. Chris Taylor NY,


Soldier's mom defends Obama's mention of bracelet

By DINESH RAMDE | Associated Press Writer 6:37 PM CDT, September 28, 2008 MILWAUKEE - After Tracy Jopek gave Sen. Barack Obama a bracelet in honor of her son who was killed in Iraq, she asked Obama not to mention the bracelet on the campaign trail. But Jopek told The Associated Press on Sunday that she's satisfied with how Obama discussed it during last week's presidential debate. Jopek gave Obama the bracelet at a Green Bay rally in February. It has the name of her son, Sgt. Ryan David Jopek...


Aluminum band commemorates fallen soldiers

Web-posted Saturday, January 1, 2005 Military bracelet sells well Aluminum band commemorates fallen soldiers By Brandi Grissom The Associated Press AUSTIN - A message from a stranger hundreds of miles away nearly brought Kristi Mann to tears. On a Web site memorializing Mann's brother-in-law who died in Iraq in 2003, someone in Florida wrote: "Today I received a bracelet with James Powell's name engraved on it. I will wear it with pride, remembering always that he died for me. HE IS NOT FORGO...


Early HeroBracelets story

America Supports You: Bracelets Honor Fallen Troops By Steven Donald Smith American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, April 19, 2005 – Chris Greta launched HeroBracelets.org as a way to pay respect to fallen servicemembers and to raise funds for the families left behind. The black aluminum "HeroBracelets" are each engraved with the name of an American servicemember who has died in the war on terrorism. The bracelets can be customized to adorn a specific name. Greta owns a small ad agency in Au...


CNN story on HeroBracelets.org

Fallen Heroes; Day Three of Iraq Speeches for Bush; Arthur Winston Retires On 100th Birthday Aired March 22, 2006 - 13:30 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. KYRA PHILLIPS, CNN ANCHOR: Let's take a listen to just a few moments ago. The president's been continuing this speech in Wheeling, West Virginia, another point he's making for his war in Iraq. We just want to listen to some of the Q&A for just a second. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) GEORGE W...


Wreaths Across America.

I would just like to thanks you once again for all that you at herobracelets. thanks for allowing me the opportunity to replace my old lost bracelet to honor Captain Walker, although I know we will probably never get his remains returned, I feel better just having the bracelet again. It's like nice to know that there are people out there that care. I wanted to let you know that the Wheatland (wyoming) Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol is participating in the Wreaths Across America a...